One of the classic ways to save money online is simply to search for a coupon or promo code at a coupon-aggregator site like RetailMeNot, CouponCabin, or PromoCodeWatch. Sometimes you get lucky and find a 20 percent off code that works like a charm. Other times you get frustrated because every code you try either doesn’t apply to what’s in your cart or has expired. These sites are always worth a quick look if you have a couple of minutes to spare, says Evan Sutherland, co-founder with his wife, Nikayla, of the frugal-living advice site Budgeting Couple.
Like Ebates and Honey, MyPoints and Swagbucks also offer cash-back rewards for online shopping. The difference is that they also offer other ways to earn “points” other than shopping, such as taking surveys, watching videos, and visiting partner websites. Not a bad way to pass the time at the DMV or while waiting for the bus.
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