With the grocery shopping experience continuously evolving, we were curious to identify who is most open to innovative ways to shop for groceries. After surveying over 1,300 Americans aged 18 to 69, we learned that the adoption of new trends in grocery shopping is driven by younger purchasers.
In terms of current shopping habits, those under 40 are notably more likely than their older counterparts to have at least occasionally ordered groceries online for curbside pickup or grocery delivery (35-41% vs. 18-20% of the 40+ set).
The biggest deterrent for non-adopters of these methods aged 40+? It doesn’t allow them the ability to hand-pick items like fruit & vegetables (cited by half of this group).
Delving into recent or on the horizon innovations in grocery shopping, again, those under age 40 are more intrigued than the older crowd.
More specifically, at least three-quarters of those aged 18 to 39 are “very” or “somewhat” interested in “smart” grocery carts that allow you to bypass checkout lines (81%), delivery services where you could get items from multiple stores in the same order (77%) and delivery services where you could order name-brand products with reusable, environmentally friendly packaging (74%).
The one advancement that even younger shoppers are lukewarm about? Delivery services where a delivery person enters your home and puts away your groceries (just 27% are “very” or “somewhat” interested).
Put simply, younger shoppers are open to options that offer them convenience (but not at the expense of allowing a stranger into their home) and sustainable packaging. Older shoppers remain loyal to the in-store experience.
Our next-generation approach to retail is strengthened by powerful insights into the “why behind the buy” and offers innovative shopping solutions for marketers. Interested to learn more?
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