4.1.3.Lookup Questions By CountryID

Lookup All Supported Countries
Description Fetch a list of Prodege qualification questions available for a specific supported country
Request URL Prodege Base URL + /lookup-question-by-country
Request Method GET



Request Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description Required?
apik String Your API Key. Yes
request_date Numeric Timestamp in milliseconds (see Authentication). Yes
signature String The signature of your request (see Authentication). Yes
country_id Numeric The id that uniquely identifies the projects’ country (see Lookup All Supported Countries). Yes
group_by_category Boolean Questions are grouped into categories when set to true. Default is false. No
prodege_project_id Numeric If included, project-specific custom criteria will also be returned. No
Response Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
return_status String The return status for this api call
questions array An array of Question model instances described below


questions Element Model
Property Name Property Type Description
question_id Numeric The id that uniquely identifies this question
question_type String The type this question belongs to (e.g. Single-Punch, Open-Ended Numeric, etc.)
question_name  String  A descriptive name for this question (e.g. GENDER, ETHNICITY, etc.) 
question_text   String  The text that is associated with this question (e.g. What is your gender?)
 options  array List of possible options associated with this question 


options Element Model
Property Name Property Type Description
option_id Numeric The id that uniquely identifies this option
option_text String The text that is associated with this option (e.g. Male, Female)


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