4.2.2.Run Feasibility by Project

Run Feasibility
Description Run a feasibility query on the Prodege panel for a specific project.
Request URL Prodege Base URL + /feasibility-multiple-sample-groups
Request Method POST
Request Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description Required?
apik String Your API Key. Yes
request_date Numeric Timestamp in milliseconds (see Authentication). Yes
signature String The signature of your request (see Authentication). Yes
prodege_project_id Numeric  The ID that uniquely identifies the project in the Prodege system.  Yes
Response Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
return_status String The return status for this api call
feasibility Array Feasibility information for each quota.
cpi Numeric The cost per complete determined from the project incidence and loi.
feasibility Element Model 
Property Name Property Type Description
completes_estimate Numeric Count of available respondents based on quota criteria.
quota_id Numeric The ID that uniquely identifies the quota.
status String Whether or not quota is currently being used for panelist targeting. Either “Active” or “Inactive”.
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