Creating the perfect advertising campaign can be daunting, especially when there are big goals on the line. And after all that work, you want to make sure your ads will help you achieve your KPIs and appeal to your target audience! 

Based on our experience in the digital media space, we have experts on staff to advise on what works and what doesn’t always resonate when it comes to an impactful campaign within the Prodege ecosystem. We are dedicated to working with our partners to ensure they are maximizing their efforts. 

Our Director, AdOperations for Prodege always advises new clients: “bright, thematic images with logos layered on make the ad eye-catching while still being recognizable.”  

Due to the variety of placements we have in our ecosystem, the CTA and length of text will vary, but drawing a consumer’s eye in will always get them to engage with your brand, or at least want to find out more. We believe this same sentiment is also applicable across any publishing site. So how do you determine which creative will resonate strongly with a new target audience?    

That’s where our solutions come in. 

How Effective Is Your Ad?

Our ad effectiveness solutions can answer common questions such as Is my advertising targeting the right audience? How impactful is my advertising in driving my desired call to action? What are the strengths and weaknesses of my advertising? to help you understand how your intended audience perceives your ad. 

In a campaign involving a well-known confectionary brand, we found keeping the creative approach simple in order to focus on appetite appeal, with product shots as the main feature and a clear call to action (CTA) encouraged consumers to view the offer. This resulted in an over-delivery of units moved. 

Ad effectiveness solutions at Prodege answer common questions to understand how the intended audience will perceive an ad.

Optimize Your Campaign with Ad Effectiveness

Your ad can be measured at every stage of the process: starting with early-stage creative development from A/B testing to opportunities to optimize your media mix mid-campaign to reviewing post-campaign performance.

We can even test ad effectiveness by geotargeting to gauge consumer interest. Recently, our team of experts assisted a national Cannabis brand by helping them answer the question, ‘How can we become the top brand in the state?” By using geo-targeted podcast placements, we were able to gauge top-of-funnel activity like favorability and intent. After the test ads ran, the purchase intent grew by 67% and the brand is now #1 in its state. 

By leveraging our first-party tag and our leading consumer audience you can track impression volumes in real-time. Our consumers are profiled on thousands of attributes, making targeting easy, especially if you are looking for feedback from a specific audience. 

If you’re ready for impactful advertising insights that will eliminate the guessing game and improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, contact us today

Blog Author

Katie Crockford

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