
Prodege is kicking off winter conference season on January 27th with Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas. In anticipation of this informative summit, we connected with Lenny Rabin, Prodege’s VP of Revenue and speaker on the panel: “Understanding Opportunities in the Financial Services Market” on January 27 at 1pm.

This will be Lenny’s eighth year attending ASW, a summit that he likens to “going on an annual family vacation.” More specifically, Lenny looks forward to “celebrating the success with partners from the years prior and using it as a medium to discuss how we can innovate and grow our partnership together for the coming year.”

Another bright spot for Lenny is the opportunity to “give back by speaking on a panel about how affiliates can monetize their web properties within the Fintech and Financial services vertical.”

Lenny Rabin

Lenny is well-qualified to speak on this topic, having spearheaded successful campaigns for Stash Invest, Empower Bank, and Acorns, to name a few. Fintech is also a timely topic for Lenny, as he feels 2020 will be a big year for this vertical (and also gaming apps). “As mobile tracking of sessions gets better and better, app marketers are able to target a specific action within their funnel. Marketers are also able to track repeat customers, cross-device, and the LTV of each new user they acquire to gain an understanding of how much they can pay. This is especially useful as more and more companies opt for a mobile app in addition to a website. Given Fintech and games heavily revolve around repeat engagements, this granular tracking, namely the ability to hone in on specific events, is very useful for them. All of this will empower these advertisers to spend more, which means they will be looking for more places to spend. ”

Lenny expresses great pride in describing Prodege’s capabilities, commenting that “Prodege is unique in the way that it has both the attentive audience and the proprietary loyalty points so that it can influence a new user at any engagement point throughout your conversion funnel. With that large an audience, there are very few products or services that would not do well. Usually, we can work within your budget constraints as well, as we work on a performance basis. Because of this versatility, many types of companies choose us as an acquisition partner at all stages in their growth.”

If you’ll be at ASW, please introduce yourself to the Prodege team and check out Lenny’s panel at 1pm on January 27th in Versailles 3 & 4.

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Bess Devenow

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