If you attended IIeX this past week, you may have heard ProdegeMR’s Adam Portner and MDI-Global’s Ron Gailey’s session Mobile Insights and Concept Testing, A New Paradigm. This session covered the increasing power of mobile in our everyday life and it’s powerful future, using a case study as a comparable example.

Mobile insights are starting to change the shape of market research. As mobile usage continues to rise and become a large part of everyone’s lives, so does the reality of using mobile for market research purposes. Mobile devices have made it exceptionally easier for researchers to connect with their target audience “in-the-moment”, and easily engage with them for a deeper understanding of behavioral insights and opinions.

During their session at IIeX, Adam Portner and Ron Gailey did a deep dive into real-time mobile insights and concept testing for a major cellular company, and their discovery of groundbreaking information, utilizing MDI’s global technology and ProdegeMR’s strong sample base and mobile location-driven technology.

This cellular company was looking to revamp their stores and create an automated experience for shoppers. Their goal was to immediately target shoppers who went through the current store experience in urban, suburban, and rural areas to better understand their needs and concerns.

Geofencing technology made it possible to send immediate surveys to the target demographic as soon as they exited specific stores. In order to capture rural shoppers, mission invitations were sent out for those panelists to visit the nearest store and conduct surveys based on their experience.

The last part of the process involved follow-up phone interviews to discuss the topic further. With 80% of ProdegeMR’s respondents agreeing to do a call, there was no problem in compiling a strong data set.

The overall process and the results received was breakthrough for the client. Not only was this a fast, complex study that was done in just a few weeks, but it also gained insight into our respondents in-store experiences right after they happened; there was no time for them to forget. And it was incredibly reliable. During the interviews, the client could join the call and add questions if needed as well.

As this study is still being used, we can’t release any findings. However, we can say the client made groundbreaking discoveries that would not have otherwise happened had it not been for our location-based technologies, mobile missions, and in-depth interviews.

If your team is looking for “in-the-moment” insights, let us know. Contact us to learn how we can help you reach millions of qualified and engaged respondents answer your real-time questions.


Blog Author

Katie Crockford

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