When asked about their national government’s response to the pandemic, nearly half feel they “handled the pandemic okay; there are a few things that should have been done differently” (47%), with another 40% assessing the approach as “poorly; there are many things that should have been done differently.” Just 13% feel the UK government handled the pandemic “well.”

Curious to understand how those in the UK feel about how their country has been handling the pandemic and what they most eagerly anticipate when things normalize, we conducted a survey of 1,396 UK residents aged 18+ in early March using our latest market research solutions.

As for what they wish their government had done differently, the chief qualms revolve around the restrictions: “imposed more restrictions” (81%) and “waited longer to lift restrictions in the early weeks of the pandemic” (59%). Nearly half of Gen Z also wishes more financial assistance had been provided for individuals (46%).

Thinking ahead to brighter days, when the lockdown and safety restrictions are lifted, slightly over half (54%) indicate they’ll be “very” or “somewhat” comfortable returning to their pre-pandemic lifestyle and routine. By generation, Gen Z & Millennials are more likely to have this level of comfort (59-64%).

When the lockdown/safety restrictions are lifted, the main activities our British respondents are eager to resume within the first 30 days are seeing family (68%, skewing female) and/or socializing with friends (58%, topped by Gen Z). Secondarily, they await dining indoors at a restaurant and going to a pub or club (32-40%).

As for whether they hope to be vaccinated when gatherings resume, the majority of those we surveyed will get the vaccine “as early as I’m able to” (53%), with another 18% having already gotten at least one jab (rising to 41% of Boomers). Another 13% plan to get vaccinated eventually.

Looking to reach an engaged international audience of consumers? Prodege has you covered!

Blog Author

Bess Devenow

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