4.3.6.Get Project Settings

Get Project Info
Description Get detailed information of an existing project
Request URL Prodege Base URL + /project-settings-get
Request Method GET


Request Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description Required?
apik String Your API Key. Yes
request_date Numeric Timestamp in milliseconds (see Authentication). Yes
signature String The signature of your request (see Authentication). Yes
prodege_project_id Numeric The ID that uniquely identifies the project in the Prodege system. Yes


Response Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
return_status String The return status for this api call (*Currently only for failed requests)
project_settings String JSON string that holds the current settings for the project
projects String JSON array that holds the current past participation inclusions or exclusions, if any are configured.

project_settings Model

Property Name Property Type Description
enable_max_clicks Boolean Whether or not max click logic is enforced
enable_max_clicks_cap Numeric If max click logic is enforced, the user-specified number of clicks allowed before pausing project traffic
enable_max_clicks_allowed_clicks Numeric If max click logic is enforced, the current remaining number of clicks before pausing project traffic
enable_max_clicks_max_click_rate_id Numeric If max click logic is enforced, the refill rate id for clicks (1: every 30 min, 2: every 1 hour, 3: every 24 hours, 0: one-time setting)
enable_quality_screener Boolean Whether or not quality screener is enforced
require_rvid Boolean Whether or not relevant id checking is enforced
limit_panelists JSON Panelist-specific filter settings

projects Model

Property Name Property Type Description
participation_status Numeric The types of transactions for the included/excluded prodege_project_ids that are included in the inclusion/exclusion.

Possible values are 1 for click, 2 for complete, 4 for DQ, 8 for OQ (bit values are added together).

surveys Array The list of projects being included or excluded.
participation_filter_type Numeric The filter type, either inclusion or exclusion. 1 for inclusion or 2 for exclusion.
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