4.6.5.Lookup Multiple Transaction Statuses

Lookup Multiple Transaction Statuses
Description Lookup the status of multiple transactions using transaction_id.
Request URL Prodege Base URL + /lookup-multi-transaction-status
Request Method POST


Request Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description Required?
apik String Your API Key. Yes
request_date Numeric Timestamp in milliseconds (see Authentication). Yes
signature String The signature of your request (see Authentication). Yes
transaction_ids Array Array of Transaction IDs. Ex: [2147607162, 2147607157] Yes


Response Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Required?
return_status String The return status for this api call
data Array Array of data for each transaction_id.


data Element Model 
Property Name Property Type Description
transaction_id Numeric Transaction ID
transaction_status String Possible values: “Click”, “Complete”, “Over Quota”, “Disqualification”
project_id Numeric The ID that uniquely identifies this project
cpi Numeric Cost of the transaction
final_loi Numeric Length of interview


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