4.3.13.Update Aggregate Stats by Project

Update Aggregate Stats by Project
Description Update the current aggregate stats (completes, conversion rate) for this survey across all sample sources, including Prodege.
Request URL Prodege Base URL + /project-stats-update
Request Method POST


Request Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description Required?
apik String Your API Key. Yes
request_date Numeric Timestamp in milliseconds (see Authentication). Yes
signature String The signature of your request (see Authentication). Yes
prodege_project_id Numeric The ID that uniquely identifies this project in the Prodege system. Yes
aggregate_completes Numeric The aggregate number of completes for this survey across all sample sources, including Prodege. No
aggregate_conversion Numeric (Passed as decimal. For example, 40%  should be passed as 0.40) The aggregate conversion rate for clicks into this survey across all sample sources, including Prodege. Value should be passed as decimal. For example, 40% should be passed as 0.40. No


Response Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
return_status String The return status for this api call


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