
The following article describes some of the questions that are commonly asked when integrating.


What is the typical project creation flow?


  1. Call Lookup All Supported Countries for a list of all supported countries and their IDs.
  2. Call Lookup Questions by CountryID for a list of available demographic targeting questions, answers (aka precodes) and their associated IDs.

Project Creation:

  1. Call Create Project to create a project for the specified country.
  2. Call Create Quota to create quotas (of completes or clicks) containing demographic targeting criteria that are available for the project’s targeted country.
  3. Ensure respondent is redirected to Transaction Completion when a respondent reaches a DQ/OQ/Complete status to ensure the correct status is captured on our end for that respondent.
  4. Before going live, you can call Test Project URL to retrieve a test link for your project to ensure the full survey flow from survey to completion works as expected.
  5. Optional: Call Project Settings – Update to set available settings for your project such as recontact lists.
  6. Call Update Project to either set the status of the project to LIVE in order to start receiving sample or update other information about the project.
  7. Once a project has completed fielding, call Transaction Reconciliation to reconcile transactions for a give project.
  8. Call Update Project to either set the status of the project to Complete status.


  1. Various other update calls (e.g. Update Quota) and lookup calls (e.g. Get Project Info) are also available.

I am done integrating in staging. What do I need to do to get production access?

Before we create production credentials, we would first need to verify the integration in staging. To do so, please create and share the prodege_project_id of at least one project in staging that meets the criteria below. 

  1. Project is set to a LIVE status
  2. Contains at least one quota
  3. Successfully redirects to a DQ status
  4. Successfully redirects to a Complete status
  5. Contains buyer_name
  6. Aggregate Conversion is passed (via Update Aggregate Stats by Project)
  7. Aggregate Completes is passed (via Update Aggregate Stats by Project)
  8. Once we are able to verify the criteria above, we will also ask that you reconcile at least one transaction (via Transaction Reconciliation) and update the status of the Project to COMPLETE.


When targeting by Age, is the best option to list out the ages as precodes using the OR operator, or is there a shorter way to specify a range?

You can list out each of the ages using the OR operator or as a shortcut, you can use the BETWEEN operator instead. This way, only the first and last precodes in a range can be specified instead of each precode. For example, this is how you would specify the targeting for ages 21 – 25.


“question_id”:1, “operator”:”BETWEEN”, “precodes”:[21,25]



Is there a way to “group” surveys together? For example, when creating a survey, can we indicate that a respondent should not be sent to any other surveys within the same group?

Creating “groups” of projects is not currently supported but you can specify when creating a project, the specific projects you want to exclude. For example, for project A, I can say that I want to exclude anybody who clicked into project B or project C.

Project exclusions or inclusions can be set up by setting the enable_project_participation of the Project Settings – Update API to true. If it is set to true, the following additional parameters are required:

  1. participation_ids – The projectids that you would like to include in the inclusion or exclusion
  2. participation_status – The types of transactions for the included/excluded projects that you would like to include in the inclusion/exclusion. Possible values are 1 for click, 2 for complete, 4 for DQ, 8 for OQ (bit values).
  3. participation_filter_type – Can be set to either include or exclude depending on whether you would like to exclude only panelists that interacted with the list of projects or include only panelists that interacted with the list of project


We keep getting “Error Code 101 Unauthorized”. What are we doing wrong?

Error code 101 indicates that the signature being passed in the call may be incorrect. Instructions for creating the signature can be found below.


Here are some things to keep in mind when troubleshooting:

  1. All parameters must be arranged alphabetically when generating the signature
  2. The Lookup Request Time Offset API must be called prior to each call to obtain the  request_time_offset that is required to generate the request_date for each call. 
  3. POST data needs to be application/x-www-form-url encoded.
  4. The signature itself should not be included when generating the signature.
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